Teaching College Reading and Writing Skills to Hindi-speaking Post Graduate Students
Fulbright-Nehru Distinguished Chair India Project Statement by Jilani Warsi Opening Statement As a Fulbright Scholar, I plan to teach North American academic reading and writing skills to native Hindi speakers studying for a Master’s in English at a university in India. The proposed course would introduce Indian students to reading and writing as cognitive problem-solving processes by which readers and writers actively use phonological, syntactic, and semantic cues in order to comprehend written text and place it within a framework of their prior knowledge, expanding their knowledge further, and produce written work that adheres to the linguistic conventions of North American academic written discourse. I hope that the course would teach Indian students through the combination of holistic and skills-based approaches, to become independent, confident, and lifelong readers and writers. I intend to approach reading and writing skills with an applied linguistic perspective in wh...