English Pronunciation for Farsi Speakers
Areas of Difficulty for Farsi Speakers
I. /w/ vs. /v/
Distinguish between /w/ and /v/ in the following
minimal pairs:
Wane wail west wend wine
Vein veil vest vend vine
II. /th/ and / /
Pronounce these words carefully:
Breath/breathe bath/bathe cloth/clothe
Now try this tongue twister:
Those three thieves threw thirteen things in the thicket of thorn trees.
III. /r/
Practice English /r/ in different word positions,
and avoid pronouncing it as a trill.
Rumble wrangle restitution result rack rash
Scaring leering luring purring peering sneering
Scar star fire banter gander smuggler
IV. Initial Consonant Clusters
Pronounce the following initial consonant clusters
without inserting a vowel before or between them:
Plight slice fright pleasant spill stale plaintiff
Splash straw scrod sprinkle spade growl gloat
Snail snow sniper scathing sneak smelt smile flight
I. /I/ vs. /i:/
Make the distinction between the short and long
vowels in the following minimal pairs:
Hit fit sit fill live sill pill skit
Heal feet seat feel leave seal peel skeet
II. /e/ vs. /ei/
Distinguish between the short and long vowels in the following minimal pairs:
Met red led fed wed set fret bet
Mate raid laid fade wade sate freight bait
III. /U/ vs. /u:/
Practice pronouncing the short and long vowels in the following word pairs:
Full pull foot should book
Fool pool food shoot boot
IV. /e/ vs. /
Practice distinguishing between the short vowel and the diphthong in the following pairs:
Met set fed led wed fret med
Mat sat fad lad wad frat mad gnat
V. /
/ vs. /a:/
Make the distinction between the short and long vowels in the following minimal pairs:
curd heard curt burn hurt bird nerd clerk
card hard cart barn heart bard nard Clark
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